sp33dx, -hg- ♥♥Jessica♥♥
Name of player: sp33dx, -hg- ♥♥Jessica♥♥

SteamIDSTEAM_0:1:92887869, STEAM_0:1:213870987

Time in GMT: 1800 hours. 

Server: v5p 

Summary:Hosting in public. I do not capture the hostage, however the hostage (FinnConlon) can confirm this.



Concluding notes

The video is way too hectic and doesn't really show me the situation enough. The music covers any mic chatter too, so I can't tell whether they're hostaging anyone. Although they're committing crime in that public area, they may have been forced into using lethal force to prevent being arrested/killed. The evidence is therefore insufficient enough for me to hand out any punishments, and I can't take witness accounts as proof.

Closed & Moved.

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