Report: Richard.Burnish
Name of player: Richard.Burnish

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:184859007

Time in GMT: 12:25PM-ish

Server: v5p

Summary: I was unconscious after a car crash, but instead of him calling a paramedic or anything, he picked up my body and flung it around, killing me. This is a breach of rule 4.1, which reads 'Do not kill people randomly (RDM); only kill with a valid roleplay reason'.

EvidenceVideo evidence of rule break.

Concluding notes

It doesn't seem like it was intentional, he didn't fling your body around like you claim, he picked you up and ran directly ahead along the road which didn't seem majorly abusive. Although the reported user won't be punished as such I will speak to him about using the move body tool more appropriately as a I feel the distance traveled with your body is a bit excessive.

Closed & Moved.

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