Name of accused rule-breaker: Razor

Accused players SteamID: STEAM_0:0:59573677

Time in GMT in which the breakage took place: Not entirely sure, I can try finding out though if necessary. 

Server rule-breakage took place: Server was v5p.

Summary of rule breakage: Mic spam.

As Siphon says in this PR: https://www.fearlessrp.net/showthread.ph...ight=razor


''User was not found guilty of breaking fearRP or prop smashing on purpose. 
Though user will be warned for mic spamming, which was a minor offense in this case.''

It's second time now and Razor has already been warned.


Concluding notes

The 'eating microphone' incident was extremely minor, he said one sentence very loud. If he carried on doing this I would deem it as mic spam.

In the store there could have been speakers inside playing the music. Since he wasn't running around the streets holding nothing and just playing it around everyone I would still deem this as appropriate. Nobody had told him to turn it down from your recording and again the shop could have been fitted with a sound system, looks fine to me.

Thank you.
[Image: JmCzDqB.png]

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