Report: phATATOE, B3NZ0NE
Name of player: B3NZ0NE, phATATOE

SteamID: B3NZ0NE - STEAM_0:1:75794416 phATATOE - STEAM_0:0:41791975

Time in GMT: 11:57

Server: v5b

Summary: Proppushing a car


Concluding notes

Both of the reported users have been found guilty of inappropriately prop pushing a vehicle. Although sometimes we allow minor movement of vehicles with props when they are stuck they are clearly minging around rather than relieving a vehicle of being stuck. The base of the evidence is the in-game time for both screenshots, clearly showing the vehicle has been prop pushed.

Both reported users will receive a 1 day ban and a 2 hour blacklist from PTE.

Thank you.

Blacklists removed & re-instated due to mistake.
[Image: mEVbpdN.png]
Thanks to Envy for the signature.

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