PR: Savage
Name of player: Savage

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:74276877

Time in GMT: 14:25GMT

Server: V4B1

Summary: Basically he was mowing cops down at the Lake which looked suspicious as he was killing them very quick so to say. Possible lock on or some sort of aim assist. Panda and those cops killed in the logs will be able to vouch for my claim.

Although that point aside the guy killed me for no reason whatsoever. I was not armed, nor did I pose a threat to him. I got out of my car when the gunfight happened to vacate the area.


Kinds Regards
Community Member
Please keep open. Will conclude later on.
Kind Regards,

[Image: nw3ghiD.gif]
-Was an officer who was killed by them at the time- Got more evidence of RDM and aimbotting here. As you can see in the video he does 180 and taps me in the head. He also kills me for no reason as I wasn't even a threat

From the video at the end we see he starts aiming to shoot the cops coming up fish avenue, but then his aimbot backfires shooting me in the head as I'm closest to him
[Image: fc5d486605e9927d1db6571ea04f89bf.png]
Kind Regards,

[Image: nw3ghiD.gif]

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