Report: Jace Alistair and myersmicheal632
Name of player: Jace Alistair & myersmicheal632

SteamID: (Jace Alistair STEAM_0:1:42241733) (myersmicheal632 STEAM_0:1:206686171)

Time in GMT: approx 00:02 18 May

Server: v4b1

Summary: Jace admits to propushing a car and killing people and also admits to being ion server to mindge, myersmicheal632 admits the prop flying and also then goes ahead and does it again.


Sorry for my low mic and bad quality did not have chance to change OBS
Posting on Behalf of Jace Alistair:

"I was being sarcastic in regards to prop pushing and minging. You can move stuck cars under rule 6.8b as no admins were on and the car was stuck in the road"

Jace Alistart will be issued a verbal warning for minor minging and minorproppushing, the car could easily have been moved in a more roleplayed way, by removing the wheelclamp.

myersmicheal632 will be issued a blacklist for propminging and propflying.

Thank you for reporting.

[Image: zeVtdhR.png]

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