Report: [FL:RP] Lucky Luke
Name of player: [FL:RP] Lucky Luke

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:147354347

Time in GMT: Around 7.10 PM 

Server: V4b1

Summary: I was in a criminal group and saw my boss ([FL:RP] Jarven Iv) just about to be arrested by the police. I had an M4 at the time and got it out. Held them in a situation where i wanted them to leave him be and we go but there were more police coming. Had them still in my sight but at one point [FL:RP] Lucky Luke just got his M4 out of nowhere and gunned me down, breaking fear RP even though i still had them all in my sight with my gun up.


This is the only footage i had sadly and i only just caught the brunt of the issue and not before. Although i believe [FL:RP] Jarven will give more evidence/input on what happened. Lastly if you have the video halted at the very start, you could see that i still had everyone in my sight with the gun up.
Hello CPT.Karter!

I would like to get inputs from Jarvan if he has more evidence, be more than free to post it here!

You can see that one of their guys still had a gun pointed at me, which means that he could have killed me easily.
Report reviewed and approved

Closing notes:
[FL:RP] Lucky Luke (STEAM_0:0:147354347) was found guilty of - Breaking FearRP // Shooting while in "hostage" sitiuation
[FL:RP] Lucky Luke will be issued a 1 day ban from the server!

[Image: jfQuooI.png?1]

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