Report: breaking fear rp and refusing mugging
Name of player: Milcok1


Time in GMT: 14:20

Server: V4B1

Summary: Rebel refused to pay 500 even though we had given a command and had a weapon pointed at him


I think this hardly merits FearRP at all. You told him to get on the ground and he did, he also did not run away or try to resist/attack you. While yes he could have roleplayed the situation better by paying you, you didn't really give him enough time to change his mind.
I do not think any action should be taken against the accused, he was given around 5 seconds to react and could have easily changed his mind if you had persisted a bit longer. Like I said earlier, he made no attempt to run away, resist or attack you while under your gun point. All I will say is he should have maybe roleplayed the situation a bit better.

Player report denied.

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