PR on Slark
Name of playerJack Criminal

SteamID://Slark STEAM_0:0:57476010

Time in GMT: About 8:50 PM GMT 
Server: v2d

Summary: Propblock, Double Door (I think), Building in raid, calling me a vagina in OOC after I called him out for it.
Later RDM'd me without saying anything. Just straight up entering the building and killing me... RDM was at 9:09 GMT PM

Here he is pointing a gun at me on mainstreet as a gun dealer because he "wanted to test it out"
Also discussing IC things OOC, kinda meta.
Player report reviewed and Approved.

User found guílty of Propblocking, Insulting in OOC, and also pulling guns out in public without a reason.

Thanks for your report,
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[Image: jfQuooI.png?1]

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