Ban Me
Player name: Hoot37

SteamID (if possible):

Time in GMT: All around the clock, every day of the year

Summary: Well here it is, I want to be banned because, I'm too awesome.
You see, every time I join the server people get brainwashed by my pure awesomeness, therefore preventing them from roleplaying to their full potential.

Evidence: My Thread, Here I am referred to as "very epic", to me this is a massive problem and should be dealt with a perma ban.

Yours sincerly,
- Hoot (The Awesome Guy)
I agree he should be banned he made my char cry with Awesomeness
I would like to say you are a freak because only idiots want to get them selves banned and I do not care really I don't even know you,
Fallen, i think its beacuse he cant stop to play on the server so to stop play on it, he wants a perma ban am i right Hoot?
"I say ban!" Cheese xD Sorry youre leaving Hoot.. bye :'(
(09-27-2010, 02:54 PM)HornyMelon Wrote: Fallen, i think its beacuse he cant stop to play on the server so to stop play on it, he wants a perma ban am i right Hoot?

Well not really if Im honest, I would never think of going back on the server, now that my 8million, which I obtained through a glitch with the servers database has gone.
If you need a ban to keep yourself off the server you have no control.
Okay sorry, Ill just go back on now and do the glitch with the database to get all my 8 million back, okay?
Go on then I want to see how you do it. You still have no control
You want to see me do it? Okay then. Ill be in the top 20 richest players by tonight

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