PR on Wells
Name of player: Wells

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:104737395

Time in GMT: 6:06 GMT around this time

Server: v4b1

Summary: Spawning a Camper on President Floor to make it unabble to enter The Presidents Office.

Evidence: Video Evidence

Spoiler :

[Image: gY6iHHj.png]

If i did help you in anyway, please consider +Reping me
If you need Fearless Conntent. Look no further
May i also add but it was not included in the video that he has spawned props around the Rv, to stop it from being moved as well has him haveing a full set of contraband in the office too! Unfortunately I failed to save the recording.
Finn Conlon 

 +Rep me Here
FailRP, Considered as propblock, Vehicle abuse.


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