Report on Nitrowner
Thread Title: Report: Nitrowner

Name of player: Nitrowner

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:94492547

Time in GMT: 9:00-10:00 UTC+3

Server: v4b1

Summary: I was a rebel,Nitrowner was a gun dealer.I tried to rob him,and killed him when he did not pay.He came back(as gun dealer),and killed me with an AK.When the other rebels near me killed him,he found me again and killed me again.When I told him that was not allowed,he started to propblock and proppush.He then propblocked an apartment and spawned contra inside(as gun dealer),and blocked Nexus and IBRAHIM's car.I had changed to SRU then,and he started shooting me again.When I shot at him,he D/C'd

[Image: 7EmE7CZ.png]
Have I helped you or am I friendly?
Two days have passed since I posted,can someone respond please?
[Image: 7EmE7CZ.png]
Have I helped you or am I friendly?
After checking logs, I can confirm that he did break NLR, instantly loaded up a weapon, and killed you.


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