Report: PavolGaming
Name of player: Pavolgaming

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:8292523

Time in GMT: 17:30 ish

Server: V4B1

Summary: I had a gun on him, as I went to Handcuff him for being in a stolen persons car; he then pulled back and pulled a gun on me.

Evidence: - same video was used in UBR, that's why I showed the entire video.
That was my stolen car, before that I mugged him and he did same thing, also am I allowed to say this?
Player Report reviewed and Approved.

PavolGaming pulled his gun out, just when you had your handcuffs out, and he will recive a 1 day suspension.

Quote:2.1d If someone switches from a gun to handcuffs/rope in order to detain you, FearRP still applies.

Thanks for your report,
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[Image: zeVtdhR.png]

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