Report : DarkxKiller
Name of player: DarkxKiller

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:159883158

Time in GMT: 00:30

Server: v4b1

Summary: We was in nexus getting our cars back and the cops rightfully came. Then DarkxKiller comes flying down the ramp and hits the wall, I start shouting 'Get out of the car!' He then tries to drive into me but misses and hits the wall, I carry on repeating get out of the car and he drives forwards and then reverses into me.


-- I know the evidence dosnt show his name fully but if you look at who is speaking at the time then you will see it was DarkxKiller --
Report reviewed and approved

Closing notes:
DarkxKiller(STEAM_0:1:159883158) was found guilty of intentionally CDM'ing.
I'm unable to hear your voice in the recording, please in the future make your recording program record your own voice too.

DarkxKiller will be issued a 3 hours blacklist from v (Vehicles)

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