Report: Coupcake
Name of player: Coupcake


Time in GMT: I'm not sure, he posted the video.

Server: v4b1

Summary: User directly violated rule 12.10.[Image: eb76715da75871abc2015e49c68d655b.png]


In both videos the accused user has violated rule 12.10 by driving in his aston martin rather than the government-issue ambulance, i suspect he did not have admin permission to drive the aston as paramedic which is why i have reported him, and if he has i would like an admin to notify me that he had permission from them.
This is good quality PR. I like it. #ExtraViews #ExtraAddRevenue

My job was set as Rapid Response because I had to keep up with the minges that were everywhere, including yourself.
No staff contacted me about it so I assumed it was fine.
[Image: JmCzDqB.png]

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