Report: Fliip, Bacunt, [DPA] sebasti161
Name of player: Fliip, Bacunt, [DPA] sebasti161

SteamID: (Fliip STEAM_0:1:75819094) (Bacunt STEAM_0:1:100282959) ([DPA] sebasti161 STEAM_0:1:68752861)

Time in GMT: Dunno

Server: V2D

Summary: Fliip and Bacunt was calling eachother "C**ts" In OOC. Sebasti161 told me to fuck off in OOC 2 times (I beleave this is player disrepect and personally i felt targeted as he done this 2 times and he made this on the forums"

Posting on behalf of GamingOfficialZZ
hitman says it all the time "fuck off" lol its never been an insult,
and theyre friends i also call my friends cu nts at times, they both can say they took no offense
mate you gotta stop being butthurt about you being killed, like geez
I take offence by you telling me to f**k off. Im also feeling like you are trying to get players to somewhat "Hate" me for posting ban request. If i feel someone has broken a rule i shall post a ban request and i will, Its kinda my right too. Also why are you saying that I am butthurt? This is about you targeting me, not about you killing me. 

again, posted on the behalf of the greatest GamingOfficialzz
Player Report


The use of "Fuck off" is offensive if you keep saying it to the same person, you should know better by not doing such thing'
All three players will be blacklisted from OOC fro 30 minutes for Offensive Language in OOC/LOOC.

Fearless Moderator
[Image: jfQuooI.png?1]

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