Random Ra
Dear Admins of FearlessRP,

Before I start with my thread, I would like to say this is my FIRST thread ever posted.
I have a little bit of a problem.
The thing is, me and my friends got raided. 
We are not mad at the raid itself, but it was an unvalid reason to raid us.
Luckily for me, I didnt have any contra/weed planted yet, so they wasted a molo on my base. but they went on ahead and raided the house next to me (my friends), and they DID have contra and weed. The thing is, they ran in, threw a molo and ran away again, they NEVER had proof that we had contra. So I told them that that was random raid, and I will post a thread, their excuse was: We heard the contra sound, which isnt possible because they RAN in and RAN away. I have a lot of screens(which I do not know how to share), one is that I have proof they never came to our base before, because I placed a cam close to our base. I told them that but they said: you tried to raid us, so we raid u back. which also isnt true because, we joined the server 10 min before and we immidiatly looked for a place to base. anyway, they keep crying in OOC that I will get banned, but I wasnt the one who random raided someone.

In the end, here are their names:
Mowah (204)
FL:RP Kezo (221)
AllanFunka (196)
Tunka truck (213)

Here are the names of the witnesses:
JustAlex (225)
(TfushT, it was also his base, but he logged out before it happened)
If you want screens of the cam, the people and the OOC, contact me (TheBolinBrah)

Thank you for reading this post,

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