BR: jeans
Name of player: jeans

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:38803836

Time in GMT: No time needed

Server: v2d

Summary: We transported some pots (42) to a new base then jeans come the first time and then he liked to prop push my trailer but i froze it. Then he drove away with Dream , now the recorded part they came again and we liked to unload the pots but jeans prop pushed the trailer and then cops came and helped us to load them on a raptor and remove these guys.


Why'd you cut out the scene where you rdmed me? I still have screens of the chat, you even admitted that you just killed me for driving him.
And I got screens of Etsy, Dazzle etc how they helped you to put the weed in your car so they coop'd with criminals.
[Image: t4iy89zg.png]
Yea they helped us because your friend did failrp , and then its not a rp situation, They never seen the pots if your "nice" friend not prop pushed our trailer and truck
[Image: f8f0ed93936736f2ae4c735f1edc05ed.png]

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