UBR Rudy
Your name: Rudy

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:66058450

Your ban ID: 71575

Banned by: [FL] Hitman

Reason: FailRP, Initiating raid as Citizen, Powergaming, Changing job mid-raid, 11th Ban, Last Chance

Involved: Co0fie

Why we should unban you: Well its been a long time. i have learned my lesson its been almost 3 months or i dont know how long
Yes it was failrp yes i raided with citizen next time i will look better before doing things hope i can come back some days earlyer if you guys accept that Smile

18 day, 23 hour till the ban is going to be lifted
[Image: R5FyS1P.gif]
It Was Not CDM i Called a Paramedic!
I think it's been long enough. Ban lifted, but remains on record, last chance stands.

Fearless Administrator

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