PR [FL:RP] GreeD^
Name of player:[FL:RP] GreeD^


Time in GMT:



In picture one you can see greed making fun out of a clan on the forums

in picture two and three u can see greed making fun out of a mod (Ghost)

in picture four you can see how greed is being crude for no reason on the forums


Picture One
[Image: u5t8QXy.png]

Picture 2 and 3

[Image: 4Ha0vIB.png]

[Image: u5zcnID.png]

Picture 4

[Image: MMLHMTa.png]

I am only reporting this as when people come on the forums they might see this and think we are not a good community and wont want to join, with greed posting toxic on the forums like this is not how to community should look like.

Thanks for reading
[Image: giphy.gif]
I prefer my steak well-done, same with my girls
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Spoiler :
pls dont -masternoda

go away masternoda -sebasti

Involved in one of the above screenshots and probably have a comment on each of this threads.

Screenshot 1: not against any forum rules.
Screenshot 2&3: opinions are not against the rules, every one is entitled to it and entitled to express it.
Screenshot 4: It's in off topic.

--Edit-- MasterNoda

For some reason me and awestruck cant post here so Im editing in his words here:

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, even if it isn't liked. I could agree that Greed could have worded it slightly better, but Ghost came back just the same.

[Image: giphy.gif]

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