Player Report: Dionhaan and DearPWDA
Name of player: Dionhaan and DearPWDA

SteamID: Dionhaan: STEAM_0:1:48860543 and DearPWDA: STEAM_0:1:153575266

Time in GMT: around from 14:51 to 14:53 on 13/4/16

Server: v2d

Summary: I was walking as a BMD to the lake to get some fish and I saw two players proppushing and they were proppushing other players and as you will see in the video they proppushed me with a car and killed me. this is a violation of rule 6.1.

[Image: S5YZyrw.png]
Player report approved

The accused players were found guilty of breaking rule 6.1 (proppushing) and will be punished with a blacklist.

Thanks for your report.

[FL] Spear

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