admin can't read yo
Your name: iac

Your SteamID: 

Your ban ID: 70929

Banned by: [FL] Falcao

Reason: Double Accounting

Involved: me and this falcao geezer

Why we should unban you: Was banned before for ToS on both my accounts, got unbanned on the account I use, go on today and I get picked up by Falcao and he has a chat with me saying I'm double accounting on the account i'm using?!?!!?
falcao, if your reading this, the account i was using is unpermed, it clearly means i'm fucking unbanned, maybe check the ban page next time

evidence i was unbanned
Firstly, you really should drop your attitude and mature.

Secondly, on the system we use it states that you are still currently perm banned, that's what I went off and it turns out it musn't have updated correctly.


Fearless Administrator

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