Report: robertdamiancrawford
Name of player: robertdamiancrawford

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:84779156

Time in GMT: Approximately 20:06

Server: V2D

Summary: I believe this player broke Fail RP, was walking near the Nexus garage, looked in after there was an explosion and said "what happened here?" this guy immediately comes running out and says "arrest this man" then says 'you and your associates have attempted to raid the Nexus.' I didn't actually, I was stood outside the Nexus the whole time. No attempt to do any sort of RP. Main reason I came to the assumption that he broke Fail RP was because he checked my ID by looking at my player description and not actually doing any RP to find out my character's identity.

Evidence: (Video is split into two because I accidentally opened a window in the middle of the recording.)
Thing is regardless you went inside of the nexus garage which is automatically trespassing.
If you feel like you randomly got arrested you can also deal with this In Character.


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