Player Report: Simon Lewes
Name of player: Simon Lewes

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:57379901

Time in GMT: Around 1520

Server: V33X

Summary: Basically I arrested his buddy 'Knightmare'. Knightmare was then unarrested by Simon Lewes (I am not requesting a ban/blacklist on this). I arrested Knightmare for continuous verbal abuse, to the point where I felt that he was threatening me and my partner. I warned him, he continued, so I arrested him. My partner did at one point through the ordeal have to taze him. They then testified over this arrest over OOC, and in the process Simon Lewes decided to call me a fucktard.

Request reviewed and approved.

Closing notes:
Evidence was deemed sufficient, as the accused player was found violating rules regarding insulting in OOC.
OOC blacklist applied for 2 hours.

[FL:M] Ivan Tempski
Server Moderation Team
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