Report: Knightmare
Name of player:


Time in GMT:
16:55 (PM) 15:55 British time


I was following (and recording) Bobby due to the fact that he was about to kill someone (which i thought would be RDM) and he went up to the Nexus. After entering the Nexus and tresspassing, I followed him. He started shooting up the place and ended up dead. Knightmare assumed I was with Bobby and killed me even though I did not have any guns on me nor did i cause any danger. He straight up shot me even though I had nothing to do with Bobby. I think he handled the situation in a wrong way and has to be punished for this.

Before making a judgement I would like to hear Knightmare's side of the story.

Fearless Moderator
Player report Approved
Player will receive a blacklist from weapons for 1.5 hours.

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