mysty random tranq and propsurf
Name of player: MystY

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:72806772

Time in GMT: Around 1:00-1:10

Server: v33x

Summary: I was walking on the streets when this guy stood next to me, random tranqed me and propclimbed on to a rooftop

[Image: giphy.gif]
Check out my channel for the rest of the videos.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Report reviewed and approved

Closing notes:
MystY/Bert (STEAM_0:0:72806772) was found guilty of Propsurfing and random tranquilizing.

MystY/Bert will be issued a 6 hours blacklist from physgun, toolgun, props and weapons. He will also be issued with a 1 day ban from the servers.

[FL:M] SnowredWolf
Fearless Moderator

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