I wasted my life on DayZ mod and standalone.

Me a large group of my friends (we were like 6) had a firefight in a random city and the enemy group retreated in to a church and they shot zombies like hell. I was covering my friends' asses on a roof, camping the door with a sniper rifle. The moment someone runs outside I press E instead of D so I roll off the roof and fall on the ground unconscious.

Me and 2 of my friends baited a random guy to pick us up with his helicopter in chernogorsk. When he was trying to land, my friend sniped the back propeller so the helicopter began spinning around like hell. After a while the heli crashed and the dude died. Turns out the guy we just killed didn't like it that much. He came back and killed all 3 of us.

The moment you find a rare high tier weapon you gotta hide in bushes like a coward.

The times when gangnam style was a thing - a cheater emptied everyone's inventories and made us do sick dance moves

When you let your friends drive (desync)

Sniping some fresh spawns in balota

This is a fucking 420 mlg skill shot with arma's negative mouse acceleration. I forgot in arma your characters loves to stand up while doing shit

Spoiler :

Moving on to DayZ standalone

It's been a long time so I can't remember exactly how it went.
Me and my 2 friends who I used to play both dayz mod and standalone way too much went to check out the military base near vybor (~1.5kms south from nwaf). I stayed on the hill next to the base trying to cover and overlook the area for possible 'unwanted' guests while my 2 friends rushed in to loot the place.
Suddenly a firefight appears in the base, I can't see it well since there are buildings in the way. They manage to kill the players. After a while I hear footsteps coming from behind me, I quickly turn around and see an enemy like 10 meters from me running around (probably looking for a spot to snipe my friends). I stand up and manage to clutch the player somehow. At this point my hands are trembling like hell and my heart feels like it's about to explode. Suddenly another player appears out of nowhere from the other side of the hill and after some running around and hiding behind the trees to avoid getting killed my backup arrives and we go look for this mofo around the hill since I had lost him already. I hear shots and my friend saying he's unconscious. With my bolt action mosin, I go look for this mofo and clutch him somehow once again. I rush on to my unconscious friend, try to bandage him, but since it's dayz, he keeps on bleeding. I panic and try every freaking item I can find in my inventory, so I give that epi pen finally a good try, nothing happens. Again! Nope. Luckily I have a saline bag in my inventory and I begin injecting that on to my friend and he suddenly wakes up.
Gg wp, we win without casualties. Tru stori.

One doesn't simply enter a military base without checking the walls, yes the walls talk in DayZ.

I decided to check the chimney


My DayZ experiences last christmas, still after 2,5 years it's the same shit.

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