Hey all! I Joined Fearless about a year ago and I realized I never made a proper introduction for you all to get to know me better, so here it goes. 
My name is Clayton, I'm from Washington State and I'm currently attending college with a major in Computer Information Technology and a minor in Criminology. My main goal in life is to become a cyber crime detective building cases against crimes like fraud, child pornography, internet harrassment, Prostitution, etc. I've been married to a wonderful girl for almost two years now and lucky for me she puts up with my various accents, voices, and shenanigans while playing. I took a long break from Fearless during my Fall Semester last year and that's why I have pretty low hours for having joined a year ago. I look forward to meeting you all and getting to know you better as I am online more!
Hello! Hope to see you around!
Hey there, se ya around, nice career path by the way! Sounds interesting.
[Image: 60e0d10cb7aa2d87b0dbbf25564f8dca.png]

Musician, Ex-Administrator
Hi, that career path sounds intruiging. Hope you settled in well.
Hello, your career path sounds very interesting! See you around in game.
[Image: dca8211526043e00aed8a728131842bc.png]
Hey, welcome to the website and community.
Welcome to Fearless Community & website!
G'day Clay! An intro is never too late Wink
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator

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