BR | DoomFort
Name of player:
Barack Obama
Ryan! Smile

Barack Obama: STEAM_0:0:60704717
Ryan! Smile:STEAM_0:0:40916370

Time in GMT: 18:45-20:00

Server: v2d

Summary: We were doing a anti-government raid as he banned businesses and threatened to arrest us if we asked for a meeting, and this doom-fort happened.

Evidence: Dunno whats going on at the start, SRU shot a hostage.. thought id put that in.
[Image: high-5.png]
Request reviewed and denied.

Closing notes:
Insufficient evidence of any rules being violated by accused player.
Please note, it is not a doomfort because you can't shoot through the walls he has put therefore no higher advantage.

[FL] NightFury
Server Administrative Team

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