Report : Xxmsh4rixX
Name of player:  Xxmsh4rixX


Time in GMT: 11:25Pm

Server: It happend on v2d

Summary: So wewere in prsuit we came tothe bar and i saw him with a sniper in his head then we had a foot prsuit to the pool where I hadcuffed him but when I got warrant on him he started running araund me he wasnet scared of the gun as you can see, then he ran onto the road to get kill by a car which he did and if you pause the video at 0:33 you will be able to ee his body goine to that pruple car.
and after that he jsut gave him life and im pretty sure that there was a medic online.


Here is the video:
Request reviewed and approved.

Closing notes:
Evidence was deemed sufficient, as accused player was found violating rules regarding FailRP.
Suspension will be applied for 3 days.

[FL] Sir Crow
Server Administrative Team

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