Ban Request on Mr.Awesome, Swippi and Mark
Name of player:
1) [FL:RP]Mr. Awesome
2) [FL:RP] Swippi
3) Mark

1) STEAM_0:0:40743031
2) STEAM_0:0:47596910
3) STEAM_0:1:59001189

Time in GMT: 19:40

Server: v2p


Mr.Awesome was propflipping cars all over the place [See video], using unacceptable in Out-of-Character chat [See screenshot] and failing to follow Fear Roleplay[See video]. Swippi appeared to be about to propsurf in the street, pestering an officer about killing him then reconnecting when myself and another player reminded him that it was not allowed[See video]. Mark had jumped on an injured body, then started to stab it[See video].


[Image: GT74WAc.jpg]

Users found guilty for violating numerous rules.

Punishments will be issued accordingly.

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