Ban Request - [EX] Venom - Been sexist in OOC.
Name of player: [EX] Venom


Time in GMT: Do not remember

Server: v2d

Summary: Been sexist towards other players in ooc.

[Image: TL6w6XJ.jpg]
You made a mistake you mean a (player) was between me and another person who claimed that person was a girl so that cannot be proven as sexist unless you know for a fact Newb is a boy
Involved as in a witness.

Newb tells us that she is a femlae but it comes to no matter.
The joke or whatever you threw out was sexist in a way.

Newb was complaining about a rulebreakage some of your freinds ( or whoever they where ) where a part of. You decided to reach in and to end the argument you choose to type what is stated in the evidence above.

It comes to no matter which sex Newb is. You told him/her ( without you knowing it ) that he/she was turning into a women because he/she was arguring about a rule breakage.

Why not just ask him to end it nicely?
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
hahaha Iacboy your such a loser! all day u do noyhing but try to get everyone banned! ^^

Not involved, warned - GTB
Exact same, I was a witness.
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
Don't come to a BR post and start hating on each other .. and tbh .. women will find that offensive so yes it is kinda sexist and in my opinion he was right to post.

Not involved - Warned
Also I did not come in to end it Newb was being a total minge as a cop , came into our cinema rp as a cop started saying ohh this is shit then got up and started shooting around with the pistol (failRP) then everyone started arguing and Newb wouldn't shut up in the OOC about us so we both had an argument that ended in me saying what I said, I realised what I said and that it was sexist and all so yes I accept this Ban request apon me
(10-05-2014, 09:48 PM)Ozzie88 Wrote: Don't come to a BR post and start hating on each other .. and tbh .. women will find that offensive so yes it is kinda sexist and in my opinion he was right to post.

Don't reply in a ban request you are not involved in 
Request reviewed and denied.

Closing notes:
Although a rule was broken, a ban or blacklist is not needed.

[FL] GeorgeTheBoy
Server Administrative Team

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