BR on Reggae chicken
Ban Request on Reggae chicken

August 14 2014 approximately 10:30 AM GMT
v2d server

I got a search warrant on Reggae chicken for having blocked windows. Upon surveying the house I found out that he had actually used props to block a doorway and he refused to remove it, telling me I was breaking FearRP (Which I was not under, I had a gun out. He was not armed). I asked him 3 times to remove the prop that was blocking the door and he refused to. As a result I arrested him for Impudence. After getting out of jail he told me I had no right to be near his house anymore and that NLR applies when you get out of jail (Not true unless you died in jail of course). Afterwards he went to SRU members saying I was "a Corrupt cop" and that I "Broke into" his house (Not true, I had a search warrant). He then began to send requests to the government telling the president at the time to demote me.

Blocked windows which lead to warrant:

Prop blocked doorway in slums apartment:

He removed the blocked windows afterwards:
About the "blocked" windows, they were mine until my props disapeared cause I got afk kicked from the server.

Just wanted to add that, cheers.
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Lack of template, denied.

[Image: image.png]

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