Admin abuse | George the boy | Grub
(I was in the MTL building at the time with my fellow agents in the enclosed area)

At no point did any form of "disruption" to role-play happen. Building took place within an enclosed area for a future role-play.

Sadly as stated by Ciryl, his gamemode crashes upon joining the build server so we keep to ourselves and build on the server we wish to role-play on.

Now, you say we should be on the build server. I don't think you understand the mass amount of people that will abuse the noclip feature and examine our base inside and out. If anything, it can be used to a role-play advantage which has been obtained via OOC methods (noclip on the build server).

You seem to have an issue with us wearing clan tags while building on the server. There is no rule to suggest why we can't wear our tags if we have set a base up to enclose the area for an OOC reason to prevent any form of disruption and there was no disruption.

Noclip was given to the administrators in question for OOC reasons.
If I am not mistaken, tossing between administrating and building in an enclosed area is very much OOC.

I am really struggling to see how there is any form of abuse from the staff members in question.
[Image: H9hqjyZ.png]
Well, This is my end of this abuse thread.

It was Me, Ciryl, WorldWideCoffee, Nacreas, Hostage, GeorgeTheBoy & Grub.

We were all building together in a enclosed MTL.

Yes. GeorgeTheBoy, and Grub were flying, but that has already been established as a OOC matter, in which they were building.

(08-11-2014, 10:34 PM)Jamster Wrote: Also, if building is OOC why were they on the IC server building?

As Ciryl, previously said

(08-11-2014, 10:44 PM)Ciryl Wrote: Well sadly i can't join the build server because my GM on there is constantly broken and they were the only administrative team online to take care of the server.

As we were building collectively, as a clan, and Ciryl cannot join the build server. Where do you expect us to build exactly?

As Viktor said
(08-11-2014, 10:10 PM)Viktor Wrote: They have been entitled with commands to improve the RP on the server. What they are doing is improving the RP on the server in fact.

Yes. They were improving RP. They were making it more practical, they could build, and answer @ calls at the same time.

Your video shows, Yes, them flying around (which has been established as an OOC matter). It also shows you 3rd Person abusing. Which is against Fearless rules. You may have your own servers to moderate, but in that time have you forgotten fearless rules? You seem to remember every detail of FailRP though.

Now. Next point.
(08-11-2014, 10:38 PM)Jamster Wrote: If your saying going third person is failrp, so is flying.

Have you read ANY of this thread? You have been told by 2 staff-members. It it NOT FailRP, to build, while waiting for @ calls to come in. For a matter of fact, as soon as a @ came in. One of the Two staff members on at the time (who happened to be both building). Teleported straight away to deal with the matter at hand.

Oh, and another point I shall address.

(08-11-2014, 09:56 PM)Jamster Wrote: The fact they seems to have time to fly around and cause mayhem amongst themselves left me in shock and awe as the server was hardly clear of minges and rule breakers.

If you saw the minges, and rulebreakers. Why didn't you use @. For a matter of fact, We were all on TS together, and Grub & George were talking about who they were teleporting too. I never heard your name said once.

Now. I agree with Nacreas, and Ciryl, and George, and Viktor. I fail too see any kind of abuse happening. They were building in an OOC matter, to enhance an RP. Let's rephrase that, to enhance the server's RP, considering you play on the server. It is enchancing your roleplay. Good job. Posting an abuse thread, on 2 staff members, for enchancing roleplay. GG.
*redacted bc i was immature at 15 lol*
I see no abuse here whatsoever; All I see is some serious Fox News tier mental gymnastics from Jamster - You keep criticizing Viktor's logic and the way in which building has been defined on this server since the beginning, until you had your own ideas about how it should be defined.

As everyone else here has said, unless you specifically define it as RP, for example, a construction site RP, the act of building is OOC - You're using futuristic and unrealistic tools such as a physgun and toolgun to impossibly manipulate props you've spawned from thin air, breaking pretty much every rule of physics whilst doing so. It's OOC. Once the build has been made, then you use it to aid your RP, which is IC. We have never punished staff for using their powers to aid in building RP sites, it wouldn't make any sense - The role of staff on server is to keep the peace and ensure everyone follows the rules, and, optionally, to help enhance RP. Noclip isn't specifically just for catching rulebreakers, it can be used to aid with building too. The reason everyone doesn't have it for building on the main servers is trust issues - It can be abused in raids, or to mess with people, etc. - But we do allow it on the build servers in order to help you build, because there it can't be abused in raids.

I could do this with all of your points, but this is just to try and explain to you how your logic is seriously flawed:

Quote:Also, if building is OOC why were they on the IC server building? Again, by your logic, more failRP. Moreover, you how about another comparison, prop smashing and killing 10 people so I could do a resurrection rp. Two OOC situations compared that would "improve" a future rp.

Building in itself is an OOC action, but everyone has to build at some point and there isn't capacity on the build server for everyone to build there. Building is perfectly acceptable on an IC server - We have an OOC chat after all, don't we? So it stands to reason that other OOC actions are acceptable, and isn't failRP.

Your other comparison, to propsmash people, is in direct violation of our rules, whereas to use noclip to aid building an RP site does not violate any of our rules. If one wishes to do a resurrection (I assume you mean hospital) RP, we have commands for that, /sleep, and there are plenty of injured people from car accidents. Your comparison is, no offence, idiotic.
Closed, no abuse noted.

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