Ban request on D.o.C Blaze and tinitincocota

Names of Player: Doc.Blaze and tintincocota

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:36819563 (DoC.Blaze) and STEAM_0:1:58153727 (tintincocota)

Time In GMT: 14:05 and 14:20

Sever: v2p

Summary: I was president, all the police force was taken hostage, they raided me for high taxes being at 16% at the time.
There was a gun dealer (tintincocota) and a Rebel leader (DoC.Blaze) FailRP

Evidence: I will be posting the evidence once. I leave the server shortly

This one is the 14:05 raid
This one is the 14:20 raid

Yours Sincerely,
Gun dealers do not raid, blacklist given.

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