ban request styrkog storlstark and dampbob drygfan
Name of player:
Styrkog Storkstark
Dampbob Drygfan

SteamID: (What is the SteamID of the person?)
Styrkog Storkstark STEAM_0:1:11390137
Dampbob Drygfan STEAM_0:0:21147301

Time in GMT: 3:20 GMT +1

Server: V2d

Summary: me and my friend cinimod101 were playing on the server thease 2 people had previously cdm'd me and took my stuff before the incident

they cdm'd my friend cinimod's car and jumped on his body till he died
they then did this again to him over and over again.

them jumping on cinimods dead body

names 1


my friend has some pictures hell comment them on this thread
Evidence only shows Storkstark jumping on him, as for Dampbob there is nothing.
[Image: cuAfUK9.gif]

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