Your name: Avi3ator

Your ban ID: 50283

Banned by: [FL] Enzyme

Reason: Invalid reason for molotoving Nexus Lobby. 8th ban. You should know better.

Involved: a-

Why we should unban you: You dont need to unban me but maybe shorten the ban time, i've seen so many other peoples throw molotovs into nexus and i thought it was okay, and the police have been threatened uss all day, it was kinda revenge
but yeah i just dont want 5 f**** days, SadSad
Your banreason is: "Invalid reason for molotoving Nexus Lobby. 8th ban. You should know better."
Edit this into your template.

I confronted you about why you molotoved the Nexus Lobby. You responded with "I dont like the laws" and I ask you what laws you don't like, and you spend 30 seconds scrolling in the chat looking for a law to justify your actions, and then you respond with "taxes".

I fail to see why your ban should be lowered.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
(06-27-2014, 11:35 PM)Enzyme Wrote: Your banreason is: "Invalid reason for molotoving Nexus Lobby. 8th ban. You should know better."
Edit this into your template.

I confronted you about why you molotoved the Nexus Lobby. You responded with "I dont like the laws" and I ask you what laws you don't like, and you spend 30 seconds scrolling in the chat looking for a law to justify your actions, and then you respond with "taxes".

I fail to see why your ban should be lowered.

well this is the only thing bad whit this server: if something corruptes you irl u will get punished for it in the game
Do the crime, do the time.


Closing notes: The banned player was found guilty of breaking the rules, and there was found no reason to remove nor shorten the ban issued by banning admin.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator

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