06-21-2014, 02:58 AM
(This post was last modified: 09-01-2022, 01:03 AM by Fearless Community. Edited 1 time in total.
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This will be a guide on how to be a police officer and how to properly enforce the laws.
Step 1: Make sure to reload your USP, take out any other additional weapons you may want for patrol (M3 shotgun and MP5)
Step 2: Ask for the laws (You want to know the laws of course so you can enforce them..)
Step 3: Spawn your vehicle and begin to patrol solo or find a partner (I usually like a partner due to the fact that you have someone with you that can have your back)
USP - Your weapon that will save your life. This will only be used in situations where your life is in danger or another citizen's life is at risk. Shooting this like it's a toy gun will not only get you demoted but will result in more consequences. Also keep in mind, in law enforcement, there is no such thing as "warning shots." You shoot to kill and not to "scare the suspect" or anything along those lines.
What I said is stated in 720 ILCS 5/7-1
Taser - This will be what you use the most. You use this to temporarily disable the suspect you are after. You only use this when a subject is being non-compliant or decides to run from you. Again, this can temporarily disable someone and isn't meant to just go around tasing people with. You may get demoted for thinking of this as that. ILCS 720 5/7-1 goes along with the taser as well.
Handcuffs - Your best tool. If you want to detain or arrest someone, always put them in cuffs. This will ensure your safety and anyone around you. This makes it so the subject can't draw a weapon or do anything really. These are commonly used when you taser someone, you then handcuff them.
Ram - Used to open doors that you have a warrant for. This will not work if you don't have a warrant. If you ever need to use this, make sure you have backup with you as you will most likely be breaching a building and you don't know what will be behind those doors. Again, you need a warrant to use this tool.
Radar Gun - Used to find the speeds of vehicles that you point it at. Make a treeline outside a tunnel and sit behind it with this and you will get lots of money from speeding tickets. Just point it at a car and left click.
Arrest/Unarrest Baton - Self explanatory. Used to arrest someone that you have a warrant on or you may use it to arrest someone.
Good question! You have to first decide if you will be arresting them or just detaining them. Detaining means that you are keeping them in one area until you can prove that they have committed a crime or while you are investigating something and they may be a possible suspect/getting into the way. Obviously, arresting is taking someone in custody for a crime that they have committed. A example of detaining someone would be, you have reasonable suspicion that they have committed a burglary but you need to investigate further to confirm that they have.
Types of Charges
This can help you determine the time of jail sentence if you have a prison guard.
Difference between Assault and Battery: Assault is when someone is in danger of getting battered, that means no physical contact is made. Battery is when physical contact is made. Make sure you know the difference as the severity of it is very different.
Class X - This should be a 15 minute jail time.
Class 1 - This should be a 13-15 minute jail time.
Class 2 - This should be a 11-13 minute jail time.
Class 3 - This should be a 9-11 minute jail time.
Class A - This should be a 7-9 minute jail time.
Class B - This should be a 5-7 minute jail time.
Class C - This should be a 0-5 minute jail time.
These are just examples of charges, there are many other ones and you can fit them into certain categories.
Do you have reasonable suspicion or probable cause?
Probable Cause - means that the officer must possess sufficiently trustworthy facts to believe that a crime has been committed.
Reasonable Suspicion - means that the officer has sufficient knowledge to believe that criminal activity is at hand.
Reasonable Suspicion is lower than Probable Cause. With probable cause, you must have some kind of evidence to prove that said person has committed a crime. But, with reasonable suspicion, you just have to believe that a crime has been committed and you want to get it to the point where that bumps up to probable cause.
Step 1: Turn on your sirens and follow him closely until he pulls over
Step 2: Park a good 10-15 feet behind his vehicle so you have room incase you need to perform tests or get him out of the vehicle in general.
Step 3: Radio in that you have a traffic stop. Example: Alex Warren: Traffic stop, black volvo, license plate of NGI923, tunnel of UM
Step 4: Approach the vehicle and stand where this officer is standing. Standing at that spot allows you to quickly get back to your vehicle, have vision of everything inside the vehicle, and makes it so you can take action if need be.
[Image: traffic_stop.jpg]
Step 5: Ask for his license, registration and proof of insurance (Some people will RP it, some will just tell you their name)
Step 6: Give them a warning, arrest them, or issue a fine if you like by using /note. Example: /note TICKET: $500 - Speeding
Step 7: After you are done, make sure to tell dispatch(your radio) that the traffic stop is code 4 and you are back on patrol. Example: Alex Warren: Traffic stop is code 4, show me 10-8(In service)
This will be the case on FL most likely, people don't like to stop.
Step 1: After a traffic stop has failed and the subject has began to run, radio right away. Example: Alex Warren: 10-80 in pursuit, white mustang, suspect fleeing towards pool.
Step 2: Follow the vehicle at a safe distance. Do not try and ram the vehicle until additional units have arrived.
Step 3: You have another unit? Decide which one of you will be primary and which will be secondary. The primary unit's job is to pursue the vehicle and not worry about the radio. The secondary unit will be radioing the location of where the pursuit is heading so the primary unit can focus on the pursuit.
Step 4: Pit manuever! This will be what stops the pursuit most likely unless the suspect crashes or gives up.
Step 5: Once you have the vehicle stopped, draw your weapon and point it at the vehicle. Be sure to yell commands like "STEP OUT OF THE VEHICLE! DO IT NOW!" or anything along the lines of that. Remember what we said about shooting the weapon though. But, if the suspect refuses to get out and accelerates towards a officer, that justifies lethal force as it's classified as assault with a deadly weapon on a officer. That would be a time that you may open fire if you wish.
A lot of departments in the US use 10 and 11 codes as a form of communication, but a good amount also use plain English. Here are the ones used by the department around me just incase you would like to use them.
President - You listen to what he says and when he says it. If you fail to listen to him, then you may get demoted.
SRU/SRU Sergeant - They are not a higher rank then you. You answer to the police sergeant and the president. They may only assume a higher position in situations that they are involed in.
Police Sergeant - Your commanding officer. Same as the president, you do what he says or you may be demoted.
Police Officer - Bottom of the food chain, you have no authority.
This is a key thing. You need a search warrant to search any buildings or vehicles unless you get the consent from the owner of the building or vehicle. There are two types of warrants. To do a warrant, you would do /warrant Venom search/arrest reason
Arrest Warrant: This is what lands people in jail. Once you have someone in custody, you get a arrest warrant and once the president accepts it you hit them with your arrest stick and they get sent to jail.
Search Warrant: This is what gives you access to go into a building or impound/search a vehicle. You must have at least reasonable suspicion(See above if you don't know what this is) to enter a building. Example: Hearing sounds of contraband, seeing people with weapons, etc.
You don't need a search warrant if yours or someone elses life is in danger. Example: Someone shooting from you in a house, you hear screaming that sounds like someone is about to lose their life.
These are a great way to enforce speeding and traffic laws. Set one up in the tunnel of the city and you can regulate all the vehicles. These also assist you in pursuits if you get into one in the city. It's good to always have one set up if you have the manpower to.
Step 1: CALL SRU. This is vital as they provide heavy firepower in case of a shootout.
Step 2: Shut down the road near it. You don't want any civilians getting into the way of your operation.
Step 3: Set up a FOB(Forward Operating Base) where you can communicate with the hostage takers and still mantain a safe distance. This is where a hostage negotiator comes in handy so the police and SRU can focus on them being armed.
Step 4: DON'T run in like no one is there. Running in will cause them to most likely shoot the hostage and that is the LAST thing you want.
Step 5: LISTEN to what the takers have to say. Don't ignore them. Do what they say.
Step 6: Give the takers their demands. You may not like it, but you want that hostage alive.
Step 7: Get the hostage to a safe place and perform a takedown of the people who took them hostage.
Step 1: Get the president to initiate a lockdown
Step 2: Shut down the main road around the nexus and make sure you have a perimiter team around the nexus incase they escape.
Step 3: Slowly go from the bottom of the nexus up
Step 4: If you see someone with a weapon, don't worry about yelling them to get down, engage them.
Step 5: Make sure the president is safe
Step 6: Slowly go from the top of the nexus back down to the bottom clearing all of it
Step 7: Take down the roadblock and unlockdown.
A lockdown is something that the president can initiate in times of need. This means that all citizens need to be indoors. If they are not indoors, you may arrest them or tell them to get inside but make sure they do get inside.
Although a rare occurence, this may sometime happen. If they are peacefully protesting then there are a few easy steps to follow.
Step 1 Supervise it to make sure nothing gets out of hand (This basically means just sit off to the side and watch)
Step 2 Ask the president for further instructions
These are really the only steps that you need to take if it is peaceful
But wait! People are now throwing bottles and it's turning into a riot!
Step 1: Call SRU for riot control and officers to close the road around the riot.
Step 2: Start shouting commands like "DISPERSE OF THIS AREA NOW OR FORCE WILL BE USED[/b]
Step 3: If they don't comply, give them one more warning "DISPERSE OF THIS AREA NOW OR YOU WILL BE ARRESTED[/b]
Step 4: This is the time to take action. Get your taser, shield, baton, whatever out. If you want to be effective, make a "police line" as they call it. This is a search technique but may also be used for this. It looks something like this
[Image: bUK0ZIp.png]
Best drawing, I know
Step 5: As you are marching, keep shouting commands for them to disperse.
Step 6: Taze, arrest, do whatever you need to do to maintain peace since you already gave them enough warnings.
[b]Step 1: [/b]Find the vehicle you want to impound! Some reasons may include improper parking, taking the car after a pursuit, and other things like that.
Step 2: Radio in for a search warrant of the vehicle
Step 3: Get into the vehicle and drive it into the nexus garage. It's smart to have a defense up so they can't sneak in and just take it back.
Step 4: Unwarrant the person and /pm them telling them that their car has been impounded.
Joining the force
Step 1: Make sure to reload your USP, take out any other additional weapons you may want for patrol (M3 shotgun and MP5)
Step 2: Ask for the laws (You want to know the laws of course so you can enforce them..)
Step 3: Spawn your vehicle and begin to patrol solo or find a partner (I usually like a partner due to the fact that you have someone with you that can have your back)
USP - Your weapon that will save your life. This will only be used in situations where your life is in danger or another citizen's life is at risk. Shooting this like it's a toy gun will not only get you demoted but will result in more consequences. Also keep in mind, in law enforcement, there is no such thing as "warning shots." You shoot to kill and not to "scare the suspect" or anything along those lines.
What I said is stated in 720 ILCS 5/7-1
Spoiler :
Taser - This will be what you use the most. You use this to temporarily disable the suspect you are after. You only use this when a subject is being non-compliant or decides to run from you. Again, this can temporarily disable someone and isn't meant to just go around tasing people with. You may get demoted for thinking of this as that. ILCS 720 5/7-1 goes along with the taser as well.
Handcuffs - Your best tool. If you want to detain or arrest someone, always put them in cuffs. This will ensure your safety and anyone around you. This makes it so the subject can't draw a weapon or do anything really. These are commonly used when you taser someone, you then handcuff them.
Ram - Used to open doors that you have a warrant for. This will not work if you don't have a warrant. If you ever need to use this, make sure you have backup with you as you will most likely be breaching a building and you don't know what will be behind those doors. Again, you need a warrant to use this tool.
Radar Gun - Used to find the speeds of vehicles that you point it at. Make a treeline outside a tunnel and sit behind it with this and you will get lots of money from speeding tickets. Just point it at a car and left click.
Arrest/Unarrest Baton - Self explanatory. Used to arrest someone that you have a warrant on or you may use it to arrest someone.
I have someone in cuffs! What do I do now?
Good question! You have to first decide if you will be arresting them or just detaining them. Detaining means that you are keeping them in one area until you can prove that they have committed a crime or while you are investigating something and they may be a possible suspect/getting into the way. Obviously, arresting is taking someone in custody for a crime that they have committed. A example of detaining someone would be, you have reasonable suspicion that they have committed a burglary but you need to investigate further to confirm that they have.
Types of Charges
This can help you determine the time of jail sentence if you have a prison guard.
Difference between Assault and Battery: Assault is when someone is in danger of getting battered, that means no physical contact is made. Battery is when physical contact is made. Make sure you know the difference as the severity of it is very different.
Class X - This should be a 15 minute jail time.
Spoiler :
Class 1 - This should be a 13-15 minute jail time.
Spoiler :
Class 2 - This should be a 11-13 minute jail time.
Spoiler :
Class 3 - This should be a 9-11 minute jail time.
Spoiler :
Class A - This should be a 7-9 minute jail time.
Spoiler :
Class B - This should be a 5-7 minute jail time.
Spoiler :
Class C - This should be a 0-5 minute jail time.
Spoiler :
These are just examples of charges, there are many other ones and you can fit them into certain categories.
Can I arrest him?
Keep in mind constitutional rights as this is based in America. Example: Freedom of Speech
Do you have reasonable suspicion or probable cause?
Probable Cause - means that the officer must possess sufficiently trustworthy facts to believe that a crime has been committed.
Reasonable Suspicion - means that the officer has sufficient knowledge to believe that criminal activity is at hand.
Reasonable Suspicion is lower than Probable Cause. With probable cause, you must have some kind of evidence to prove that said person has committed a crime. But, with reasonable suspicion, you just have to believe that a crime has been committed and you want to get it to the point where that bumps up to probable cause.
That guy is speeding! What shall I do?
Remember to call for a additional unit if there is more than one person in the vehicle and you are alone
Step 1: Turn on your sirens and follow him closely until he pulls over
Step 2: Park a good 10-15 feet behind his vehicle so you have room incase you need to perform tests or get him out of the vehicle in general.
Step 3: Radio in that you have a traffic stop. Example: Alex Warren: Traffic stop, black volvo, license plate of NGI923, tunnel of UM
Step 4: Approach the vehicle and stand where this officer is standing. Standing at that spot allows you to quickly get back to your vehicle, have vision of everything inside the vehicle, and makes it so you can take action if need be.
[Image: traffic_stop.jpg]
Step 5: Ask for his license, registration and proof of insurance (Some people will RP it, some will just tell you their name)
Step 6: Give them a warning, arrest them, or issue a fine if you like by using /note. Example: /note TICKET: $500 - Speeding
Step 7: After you are done, make sure to tell dispatch(your radio) that the traffic stop is code 4 and you are back on patrol. Example: Alex Warren: Traffic stop is code 4, show me 10-8(In service)
Oh no he isn't pulling over and I'm now in a vehicle pursuit!
This will be the case on FL most likely, people don't like to stop.
Step 1: After a traffic stop has failed and the subject has began to run, radio right away. Example: Alex Warren: 10-80 in pursuit, white mustang, suspect fleeing towards pool.
Step 2: Follow the vehicle at a safe distance. Do not try and ram the vehicle until additional units have arrived.
Step 3: You have another unit? Decide which one of you will be primary and which will be secondary. The primary unit's job is to pursue the vehicle and not worry about the radio. The secondary unit will be radioing the location of where the pursuit is heading so the primary unit can focus on the pursuit.
Step 4: Pit manuever! This will be what stops the pursuit most likely unless the suspect crashes or gives up.
Step 5: Once you have the vehicle stopped, draw your weapon and point it at the vehicle. Be sure to yell commands like "STEP OUT OF THE VEHICLE! DO IT NOW!" or anything along the lines of that. Remember what we said about shooting the weapon though. But, if the suspect refuses to get out and accelerates towards a officer, that justifies lethal force as it's classified as assault with a deadly weapon on a officer. That would be a time that you may open fire if you wish.
10 Codes and 11 Codes
A lot of departments in the US use 10 and 11 codes as a form of communication, but a good amount also use plain English. Here are the ones used by the department around me just incase you would like to use them.
Spoiler :
Chain of Command
President - You listen to what he says and when he says it. If you fail to listen to him, then you may get demoted.
SRU/SRU Sergeant - They are not a higher rank then you. You answer to the police sergeant and the president. They may only assume a higher position in situations that they are involed in.
Police Sergeant - Your commanding officer. Same as the president, you do what he says or you may be demoted.
Police Officer - Bottom of the food chain, you have no authority.
This is a key thing. You need a search warrant to search any buildings or vehicles unless you get the consent from the owner of the building or vehicle. There are two types of warrants. To do a warrant, you would do /warrant Venom search/arrest reason
Arrest Warrant: This is what lands people in jail. Once you have someone in custody, you get a arrest warrant and once the president accepts it you hit them with your arrest stick and they get sent to jail.
Search Warrant: This is what gives you access to go into a building or impound/search a vehicle. You must have at least reasonable suspicion(See above if you don't know what this is) to enter a building. Example: Hearing sounds of contraband, seeing people with weapons, etc.
You don't need a search warrant if yours or someone elses life is in danger. Example: Someone shooting from you in a house, you hear screaming that sounds like someone is about to lose their life.
These are a great way to enforce speeding and traffic laws. Set one up in the tunnel of the city and you can regulate all the vehicles. These also assist you in pursuits if you get into one in the city. It's good to always have one set up if you have the manpower to.
Hostage Situations
Step 1: CALL SRU. This is vital as they provide heavy firepower in case of a shootout.
Step 2: Shut down the road near it. You don't want any civilians getting into the way of your operation.
Step 3: Set up a FOB(Forward Operating Base) where you can communicate with the hostage takers and still mantain a safe distance. This is where a hostage negotiator comes in handy so the police and SRU can focus on them being armed.
Step 4: DON'T run in like no one is there. Running in will cause them to most likely shoot the hostage and that is the LAST thing you want.
Step 5: LISTEN to what the takers have to say. Don't ignore them. Do what they say.
Step 6: Give the takers their demands. You may not like it, but you want that hostage alive.
Step 7: Get the hostage to a safe place and perform a takedown of the people who took them hostage.
There are people raiding the Nexus!
Step 1: Get the president to initiate a lockdown
Step 2: Shut down the main road around the nexus and make sure you have a perimiter team around the nexus incase they escape.
Step 3: Slowly go from the bottom of the nexus up
Step 4: If you see someone with a weapon, don't worry about yelling them to get down, engage them.
Step 5: Make sure the president is safe
Step 6: Slowly go from the top of the nexus back down to the bottom clearing all of it
Step 7: Take down the roadblock and unlockdown.
What is a lockdown?
A lockdown is something that the president can initiate in times of need. This means that all citizens need to be indoors. If they are not indoors, you may arrest them or tell them to get inside but make sure they do get inside.
There are protesters!
Although a rare occurence, this may sometime happen. If they are peacefully protesting then there are a few easy steps to follow.
Step 1 Supervise it to make sure nothing gets out of hand (This basically means just sit off to the side and watch)
Step 2 Ask the president for further instructions
These are really the only steps that you need to take if it is peaceful
But wait! People are now throwing bottles and it's turning into a riot!
Step 1: Call SRU for riot control and officers to close the road around the riot.
Step 2: Start shouting commands like "DISPERSE OF THIS AREA NOW OR FORCE WILL BE USED[/b]
Step 3: If they don't comply, give them one more warning "DISPERSE OF THIS AREA NOW OR YOU WILL BE ARRESTED[/b]
Step 4: This is the time to take action. Get your taser, shield, baton, whatever out. If you want to be effective, make a "police line" as they call it. This is a search technique but may also be used for this. It looks something like this
[Image: bUK0ZIp.png]
Best drawing, I know
Step 5: As you are marching, keep shouting commands for them to disperse.
Step 6: Taze, arrest, do whatever you need to do to maintain peace since you already gave them enough warnings.
[b]Step 1: [/b]Find the vehicle you want to impound! Some reasons may include improper parking, taking the car after a pursuit, and other things like that.
Step 2: Radio in for a search warrant of the vehicle
Step 3: Get into the vehicle and drive it into the nexus garage. It's smart to have a defense up so they can't sneak in and just take it back.
Step 4: Unwarrant the person and /pm them telling them that their car has been impounded.
Being an effective police sergeant.
There are many ways to do this but some main points will be laid out here. One way you could do this is set up radio numbers for them. You can have your own preference but mine is setting commanding officers to 67-(number) and regular ones 37-(number). So the officers' jobs will look like Police Officer 37-23. You can also partner up the officers to ensure the safety of them if they don't already have partners. Also, you could hire someone to be a dispatcher! Get someone to go nexus desk secretary and dispatch the officers to calls. This will make the department more organized and you wont have 3 officers at a traffic stop and 1 at a gun battle. These are just some of the things that I use to help organize the department. Also regularly meeting with the officers and setting objectives will help them keep their eye out for things.