Bobinator BR
Name of player: Bobinator

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:25651228

Time in GMT: ‎18 ‎May ‎2014, ‏‎10:51:24

Server: V2d

Summary: Bobinator was president, earlier on I saw him randomly punch a Civillian. just before this I also saw him CDM someone.

Where my evidence starts he said that he wanted to "make his home"

this apparently involved living on the streets.

You can see him spawning a bicycle (not sure if it was a vehicle or a prop with a chair on it) Also he spawns a random bath tub and sleeps in it.

[Image: JrWpsNC.png]
Accused user found guilty of Minor FailRP as President, a blacklist will be applied.

[Image: image.png]

Ted - International Lover: My gear changes sound like Donald Duck

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