Jamiecross5 ban Request
Player name:Jamiecross5

SteamID (if possible): Not Possible

Time in GMT:8:40 PM
(Around There)
Summary:RDM (Many people at the time will say yes), and the screenshot (Insulting other players)

[Image: kby7oh.jpg]

Thanks Reliqua (:
This is true, when i was rping a heart attack he came up and jumped on me (didn't kill me yet) then when ayen told him to get off your gonna kill him, jamie chanted on mic I work for the government, i work for the government this is ok. Over his mic i understood he was a child. Then he jumped on me again then kill me. That was second time he killed me saying "it was an accident" even after i told him jumping on people will kill them rather then waking them up.
He's had 5 bans, and is a complete minge.
Has no concept of rp at all, in all honesty I think he's too young for the server.
I vote for perm.
I have had many issues with this player and he has no respect for the admins or the players.
I was the President and I demoted him because people kept complaining about him, I was told he'd been jumping on to of sleeping players among other things.

[Image: unlednn.png]

I back a perm, comments like this are unfair and offensive.
(07-30-2011, 12:47 PM)Luke Wrote: I was the President and I demoted him because people kept complaining about him, I was told he'd been jumping on to of sleeping players among other things.

[Image: unlednn.png]

I back a perm, comments like this are unfair and offensive.

He was, he walked on bodies infront of me and said "OOP SORRY" when it was clear he could go around he just wanted an excuse to do so.

[Image: ezgif_com_save.gif] Oh, Ariana. Stop it, you!
(07-30-2011, 01:47 AM)Storm Wrote: He's had 5 bans, and is a complete minge.
Has no concept of rp at all, in all honesty I think he's too young for the server.
I vote for perm.

I agree and i think there should be a rule where there is a age limit on the mic if they sound like they are 10 mute them or gag, He should be banned because after he got demoted he got butthurt and just being a even bigger minge.
(07-30-2011, 01:07 AM)Ruskin Wrote: Player name:Jamiecross5

SteamID (if possible): Not Possible

Time in GMT:8:40 PM
(Around There)
Summary:RDM (Many people at the time will say yes), and the screenshot (Insulting other players)


this kid should just play club penguin.

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