michaelreis, Scamming
Your name: michaelreis

Your ban ID: 47282

Banned by: [FL] ZedsDead

Reason: Scamming

Involved: Xoxinha

Why we should unban you: I was at the server selling a car! when guy came to me and said i whant this for 15K so gave me the money and my mum ni real life calls me to go to diner and she comes and she turns off my computer and i was very sorry for the guy! pls let me back to the server i never do a trassation whit my mum for ever! ;(
15K Removed incase of approval
Ok ok give the guy the 15K for me! pls im very sorry
Banning staffmember has been contacted about this UBR. Please be patient.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
Since we are not 100% sure of what happened, we will take the ban off for scamming, although leave a note there, but unput investgating we found this account wasn't your original account and infact you have been using it to avoid your bans on your main, we have now permed BOTH account for this reason.

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