Ban request on [CUB]swagertttyolonez and [FL:RP]Kamama
Name of player: [CUB]swagertttyolonez | [FL:RP]Kamama

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:17411425 | No id found on [FL:RP]Kamama, might have changed his name before i could get the ID

Time in GMT: 4pm (Brussels time)

Server: V33x


these 2 players decided to go on a mass proppush/propkill spree. Nothing much to say, Ill let the video show the rest.

(03-07-2014, 03:09 PM)TheCorperal Wrote: Name of player: [CUB]swagertttyolonez | [FL:RP]Kamama

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:17411425 | No id found on [FL:RP]Kamama, might have changed his name before i could get the ID

Time in GMT: 4pm (Brussels time)

Server: V33x


these 2 players decided to go on a mass proppush/propkill spree. Nothing much to say, Ill let the video show the rest.


Here is another video of Kamama trying to propkill me, and making cars explode.
(might not be uploaded fully yet, try again in a min.)
they also went near my base and stated propsmashing the cars in it when i came to see their names i saw kamama and he commit suicide with a propkill
Approved, both users suspended.

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