Ban request : mike3497
Name of player:mike3497

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:45134976

Time in GMT: around 5:00 A.M. GMT

Server: v2d

Summary:Me and My friend (Smitty Werben) Were Minding our own Business (Joking around a bit) When an officer arrests us for possession of drugs (Of which we possessed none), After Issuing the commands "/me *Searches Piff*" And then Proceeded to issue "/me Finds Drugs" Conveying that I possess Drugs, Thrusting me into an RP situation That I can not avoid arrest in. Though again, I did not Possess drugs. I do believe there were a few witnesses. Although I lack screenshots of it happening with my friend, He followed the same procedure with my him.


[Image: vlnHo09] In case the Above Image does not show.
Although I also have no evidence, I was witness to this and what he/she says is correct. I did tell the officer arresting that it was not allowed in local ooc but he ignored that and continued to arrest.

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