Your name: trevorh812

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:18741904

Banning Admin: [FL] Mikey The Fox

Ban Length: im not quite sure sorry Sad

Reason for the banCheeseon\'t ask to be killed if you have low health

Why we should unban you: I have recently joined your server: [FL] fearless[Semi-Serious Gameplay] [FastDL], and I played it for around 4 hours. Me and one of my friends was a police officer and he was messing around and tassed me a couple times. After a while of getting tassed i got back up and my health said:0, and the screen was like i was still unconsious,and I was in third person mode for some strange reason. So after a while i asked someone to kill me because I had thought that if I had died that would have fixed my problem. Well after saying that a different cop tassered me and hand cuffed me and threw me in jail. So I thought well this might be ok. Well after one minute after being in jail for some reason my screen goes black and it said i have been kicked and to visit this website for more info. So i just thought it might have just been a server restart. Sure enough I tried to re-join the game and it said that i got banned. I came here, signed up, and looked at the ban list up at the top right corner, and sure enough it said I have been banned. The reason is this: 1804 trevorh812 STEAM_0:1:18741904 Don\'t ask to be killed if you have low health 2011-07-19 00:07:44 [FL] Mikey The Fox. So I tried to message [FL] Mikey The Fox on steam and i waited 30 min and I had still no response. So I hope that you might be able to help me with this problem. Thanks

This is then clearly a misunderstanding. I have had that bug myself. You get teased and killed, and you wake up with 0 HP, and in 3rd view mode. Mikey must have tought that you had low HP, like 10 or 20. And you asked if someone could killed you.
Or your not telling the truth, and Mikey comes with the real story.

(07-18-2011, 06:58 AM)Marius Wrote: This is then clearly a misunderstanding. I have had that bug myself. You get teased and killed, and you wake up with 0 HP, and in 3rd view mode. Mikey must have tought that you had low HP, like 10 or 20. And you asked if someone could killed you.
Or your not telling the truth, and Mikey comes with the real story.


Ok well i am glad that i was not the only one that this hasn't happend to. Do you think i might get unbanned?

I was cloaking around and I saw a cop arrest a rebel, so I asked him why was he arrested and the cop told me "He wanted me to kill him"

If what you said was true I'll unban you but please don't play around with your friends with the tazors and please ask a admin if you bug out again.
[Image: tumblr_oo89kx6Wfc1vvng74o8_r1_1280.png]

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