BR on two
How else am i suppose to gather evidence if he RDM'd me? my fraps was not working, so i took screenshots whilst they were shooting me, you can read console for clarification. I wasn't sitting in the chair because i am a scrub and can't handle dying in a roleplay situation, or to collect evidence, i sat there because i refused to get RDM'd by a person, it was an OOC situation, not IC. If i get banned for chair abusing, because i was trying to prevent an RDM, then so be it.
You don't even need to collect the evidence in this case, but just post the actual ban request - screens will do (logs are here as well). Other things like reason for hostaging etc. would be explained here, eventually. Rules are rules and there are no exceptions - you didn't need to break the rules to record the evidence or get it - it's clear in the logs, while NLR can't be tracked.

Ban request approved, additional consequences will be taken against the thread OP as he was found breaking the rules.

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