(Fixed)Cannot connect to steam?
I just started up my computer and i got this error message.

It was working just fine yesterday.

[Image: steam_offlinemode_zps74cbabd1.png~original]

Any Ideas?
Kind Regards
Lucifer, your private demon.
It's probably just Steam being overloaded I guess. Maybe there are 5mil+ online clients.
I am getting the same.
i have self control
So you cannot login too?
Kind Regards
Lucifer, your private demon.
Nope. And I'm sure this counts for many more people here.
i have self control
I've had the same recently.
What I did was re-connect from my internet, and if that doesn't work, try restarting your router.
If THAT doesn't work, just be patient and try relogging every hour or so.

Hope I could help!
Kind regards,
[Image: mxh.gif]
Rate Me.
Fixed i just logged into steam in half a hour.
Kind Regards
Lucifer, your private demon.
Hm, weird. I still cannot log in.

And it fixed by itself.
i have self control

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