Forum Unban Request - The Honored
Posting this for The Honored as his forum account has been banned.

Your name: The Honored

Your ban ID: Forum ban

Banned by: [FL] Narcotic (Quite sure Narcotic banned me, but can't be completely sure because it doesn't tell me on the forum ban page.)

Reason: Came back and still trolling.

Involved: -

Why we should unban you: I was forum banned on August 8th, 2013 for forum trolling, and it's been almost 5 months now. I am making this unban request to have a last chance to use the forums without trolling/flaming/any other rule violation. I understand that my forum ban was definitely influenced by my ban before it (considering the reason for ban says 'coming back and still trolling' I'm not disputing that I think I should have deserved punishment for the posts I made before the ban, but I would like to request that the permanent ban is reduced/taken off.

Here's a few examples of the posts I made before being banned:

The other posts I made can be found on my profile-

-if you need them, but they were pretty much all similar. I'd just like to mention that my first forum ban was because of flaming other users, and when I was most recently banned, it was for these type of posts. I'm not saying that they should be deemed acceptable and not punished, I would just like to point out that I wasn't warned a single time after my first ban, and when I posted these I was immediately banned for them. All I am saying is that I believe the measures taken for the trolling could have been enforced without a permanent ban. Again, I am not trying to put responsibility for the ban on the administrators, I am only making this request to have a final chance.

To summarize I would just like a last chance in using the forums correctly rather than low-tier posting. If I were to slip up a single time, I could have the account revoked and not given another chance. I can assure you now that I would not plan on putting the time in to make this to continue to disrupt the forums and troll or etc. I would use them properly and abide by the rules. I shouldn't have continued after my first ban, and I apologize.

You honestly can only blame yourself, the fact that you received no warnings in the time frame from your first ban to the last ban has a quite clear reasoning to it; you were doing everything in clear knowledge this was in strict violation with forum policies, fully aware of the consequences and ignoring numerous of our simple policies.

So, I'll ask one last time, is there anything else that I should take into consideration before I close your case?
I was the one that banned you and honestly there is no need for you to be unbanned.

Completely trolling right after you came back from a forum ban. Its your own fault.
Posting this for The Honored

Alright, before I post this, I'd like to ask. ARE there any forum rules? I am not asking this sarcastically. I am legitimately asking if there are any, because I searched and could not find them. I am assuming there are not any in this post. I'm not taking it into the direction "no forum rules means I can do whatever I want".

Quote: the fact that you received no warnings in the time frame from your first ban to the last ban has a quite clear reasoning to it; you were doing everything in clear knowledge this was in strict violation with forum policies, fully aware of the consequences and ignoring numerous of our simple policies.

1) Here's my thoughts on this. Again, assuming there are no forum rules. Let's say that your new average Joe comes in to the forums and flames another user. Are you going to permanently ban this new, 5-hour user? No? Probably for two reasons. 1) He is new to the forums. 2) Considering there are no forum rules to abide by, warnings are the only thing a user can react to and change their posting You would probably warn him for the reason "Flaming other users"

2) Now let's look at my most recent ban specifically. First off, I was banned for "still trolling." What is trolling, may I ask? If I asked you both what "trolling" was, you'd also give me different definitions. Here's an informal one from the dictionary. "submit a deliberately provocative posting to an online message board with the aim of inciting an angry response"

Back to my posts.if you look again,they are random copy and pastes that I put into random threads in the forums. So, since I wasn't banned for trolling (look at other definitions of trolling if you need to; they include flaming and etc, which I did not do), what WAS I banned for? Copy pasting? Since when was that a valid reason to PERM ban someone, nonetheless without a single warning? However, continued in my last point.

3) Lastly, considering I had a ban before, the admins made an unfair assumption. The assumption was that I knew every forum rule and agreed to abide by them How is this? Well, go back to my point 1. Joe wouldn't get banned, he would get warned. And is flaming other users worse that copy pasting? I'd assume so. The fact that I got no warnings, did not, as Narcotic said, prove that
Quote:you were doing everything in clear knowledge this was in strict violation with forum policies
Rather, it proves that an admin decided NOT to enforce the rules fairly against me since I had a previous ban but rather get rid of me as soon as possible (I'd honestly expect for personal reasons)

So to sum it up, the lack of forum rules has the system of warns. You didn't warn me a single time after my first ban because of the assumption (refer to the last quote I made from Narcotic) that I know the forum "policies", which, again, only exist in the administrators.
I would not be making this IF
1) There were listed forum rules that advised against what I did (which was not trolling, I'll tell you that)
2) I was warned at least a single time before being banned.

Thank you for reading this completely through before making your decision.
No forum rules? What is this then?:
Alright, I asked several people about it before I posted, and they also said they couldn't find any.

Regardless, I AM glad you posted these rules. First let's go to my case, then yours

1) So, I was banned for trolling. There is no rule about trolling, only flaming. I did not flame. I used copy pasta in a random fashion. Additionally, in according to rule 4.a), the user is to be warned until 100%. I was not. I was at 0% and was not given a single warning. Additionally, if you'd like to use the argument that you can still enforce rules that are not listed, the warning system would have to be used. Otherwise, like I said, I cannot know every rule that is to be enforced, including what I did.

2) e.) An exception to the warning rule applies when users contact team members personally (via any method) and post insulting, indecent or vulgar material. Such users may be subject to an immediate permanent ban.
This is the only rule that mentions an immediate perm ban. I obviously did not do this. you perm banned me for violation of a rule that wasn't this, which is the only reason for a perm banned mentioned.

I'd like to say that I believe you contradicted rule 4.a), as it does not mention being able to not warn someone only because of previous bans
These are the rules you just sent me...

Other than that, my point 2 and 3 except for the referral to point 1. The warning system is still to be enforced, which was the point of my argument.
The accused individual didn't even know of any warning system or policing procedures when posting this appeal and obviously made zero effort to get acquainted with, not to mention following any of our rules.
Quote:The accused individual didn't even know of any warning system or policing procedures when posting this appeal

I'm not entirely sure where that claim comes from. How did I not know of any warning system when posting this? In my first post: "I would just like to point out that I wasn't warned a single time after my first ban, and when I posted these I was immediately banned for them."

How am I wrong about the listing 4.a) that I need to be warned before banned? Your statement that I did not know of a warning system when posting this appeal is incorrect.

Quote:obviously made zero effort to get acquainted with, not to mention following any of our rules.
In the last post I made, I addressed the specific rules posted by Narcotic. The rules say that I need to be warned before banned. The rules do not mention trolling, which was the reason for my ban. If anything, the rules help my argument, considering the perm was issued without warns, and does not address "trolling". Again, if you use the argument you may enforce rules that are not directly written, then you are not using the rules, which actually shows that your quote
Quote:obviously made zero effort to get acquainted with, not to mention following any of our rules.
is incorrect, considering you would not use the rules to get me banned, but rather your own enforcement methods.
As the accused party made no attempt to get acquainted with any of our rules, he couldn't have known at the time that he wouldn't face a permanent suspension for it - thus recklessly misbehaving against common courtesy and general morale standards with no regard to his own continuity with us.
Quote:As the accused party made no attempt to get acquainted with any of our rules

First off, let's put this into perspective. To find the CityRP rules, it's easy. It's a tab, you can search for it, and you can google it. In fact, I still would not be able to find the forum rules by searching forum rules and googling it - which is why I assumed that there were none. Why are they difficult to locate unlike the RP rules? (Searched term 'Forum Rules')

Your claim that I made no attempt can't be proven true because they are not easy to locate.

Quote:he couldn't have known at the time that he wouldn't face a permanent suspension for it
Here's why that irrelevant. It would be relevant if my ban reason, trolling, was an actual rule listing (such as flaming), but it was not. Since it was not mentioned in the rules, had I read the rules anyway, it wouldn't make a difference because what I did was not a direct violation, (from what I was banned for, anyway). Additionally, what I knew at the time is irrelevant to whether or not the ban is warranted. How is it relevant? If a citizen doesn't know the law, he gets arrested for breaking it and nothing happens if he doesn't break it. A citizen can not know a single law and not get arrested. My point is, The fact that I didn't see those rules (again, I still wouldn't be able to easily find them), doesn't warrant the ban.

Additionally, I'd just like to gently remind that the contradiction from the admin who banned me of forum rule-
4. a)Our forum operates warning system, users will be warned till their warning level is increased to 100%. After those warnings a temporary ban will be put in place of between 1 to 7 days.
- was not disputed by an admin, and it was contradicted, proven by Narcotic's quote
Quote:, the fact that you received no warnings in the time frame from your first ban to the last ban

Again, the rule doesn't mention previous bans. The warning system was ignored completely for my last ban.

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