#BR on 3
Name of player + SteamID:
[Image: dsssdsddsqwf0w4xd40.jpg]
Time in GMT: 3-4 Hours Ago

Server: v2p

Summary: There was 3 great Guys who Proppushed & Propkilled everyone and everything. I recorded everything, over 1 hour, with more then 500GB. The Problem is, to upload this, its need a lot of time. So I did some cuts and you'll see good Evidences to ban them!

Maybe u'll see in the Video that some names are different from these names in this thread. They changed after every reconnect theier names, but the SteamID is right.
I think if u would check these SteamID's u'll see thats are the same guys like in the Video.

Evidence: I hope its everything you need to ban them!

Ban Request reviewed and approved.

Closing notes:
Users already suspended by an on-line staff member.

[FL] Aviator
Administrative Team

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