[CLOSED] OTEC Car Dealer

Banshee: 165k

Lokus: 60k

Golf 40k



If you got any cars you want to sell contact us over steam: Eeee394 or Maegzil or sent a privat message here.
i will buy golf gti
A Hummer for arround 120k.
I'l sell you my Mustang and my Hummer.
Mustang: 120
Hummer: Offer a price
Add me or steam or private message me.
Steam: holmeshell
i will sell me corvette for 180k
PM me your steam name i will add u
Hummer is now on stock
I have a corvette i can sell you, 170k?
Buying trabant for 10k

Is that possible?

[FL:RP] UnitedGamesNL
Greetings from me
we met earlier today and agreed 130k for my mustang is that deal still valid?

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