Backseat administrating?
I would like to ask what is actual Backseat administrating
because i saw bans about that and i would like to know what it
is so i would not get accidently banned bexause of it :3
thank you for answering :c
Backseat administration is when you act like an admin and punish the rulebreakers in various ways like killing them, proptrapping them etc. You are supposed to be in character at all times and if there is a rulebreaker you shall use @ to call an admin. If there is none on I suggest you try to contact one on Steam or on the forums or gather evidence for a ban request.
(12-01-2013, 02:54 PM)Humla Wrote: Backseat administration is when you act like an admin and punish the rulebreakers in various ways like killing them, proptrapping them etc. You are supposed to be in character at all times and if there is a rulebreaker you shall use @ to call an admin. If there is none on I suggest you try to contact one on Steam or on the forums or gather evidence for a ban request.

Thank you very much for ur help :d
Answered by Humla.

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